Oscar Romp

Figurative Artist

Oscar Romp

Figurative Artist

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Path By The Clockhouse At Denmans Gardens (1)

Path By The Clock House At Denmans (2)

Path By The Clockhouse At Denmans (3)

00:00 Tue 14th May 2024

The Raw 1st state of this 'drainting', -  on packing up and leaving the location at 7.30 that evening. 'drainting' being an artwork which is half drawing/ half painting in it's mode of making. It has a a lovely freshness at this stage. Some of this is lost by fixing the drawing, but fixing often increases depth and contrast, - and they are just too fragile to be left unfixed.

Pastel and charcoal on black paper.  60cm x 50m cm approx.