Oscar Romp

Figurative Artist



The empty city at street level, mostly at night, spangled by artificial lighting from the cyclists’ handlebar-steered point of view.

VIenna City Parkscape (Site-specific)

Site-specific shot, showing the painting in its location in the Zeit!Raum conference room.

Initially commissioned by Zeit!Raum Vienna in 2011, together with a series of 'art in the park' workshops with local children living nearby Dadlerpark (A typical inner-city Vienna Park). It took the Pandemic of 2020/21 to provide the unbroken time and space to complete necessary to complete this complex mural-on canvas. With it's strong/y shaped and constructed composition , it is as much a conceptual as a figurative painting.The visual rhythm of this composition aims to suggest sound, space and passing time, - and the interconnectivity of all phenomena. The main action of the painting is derived from drawings I made in the park among the children and adults as they engage in typical park-friendly activities. The art work made by the children in the original workshops is also reflected in the triangular lintels round each edge of the painting. The child-art derived sections are painted in flat, tonally close colours, with little depth or contrast; Richer colour with stronger, more dramatic tones are used for the sections which are derived from my own 'grown-up' drawings, with their associated  illusions of space, depth, light and dark. Part of the commission brief was to graphically show the different areas of the park, allotted for different uses, such as the kid's playground, The sand pit, the basket ball and football enclosures, and the the area reserved for dogs and their owners.